Year: 1999, Volume: 69, Number: 2


Response of aerial respiratory organs of the air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) to extreme stress of desiccation.

R. S. Parashar, T. K. Banerjee

Odgovor zracnih disnih organa ribe dvodihalice Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) na ekstremni stres isusivanja


Passage of nematode-trapping fungi through the gastrointestinal tract of calves.

J. V. Araújo, M. A. Stephano, W. M. Sampaio

Prolazenje nematofagnih gljivica kroz probavnu cijev teladi


Study of the incidence of dental diseases in dogs in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

I. Borissov

Analiza ucestalosti bolesti zubiju u pasa u Staroj Zagori u Bugarskoj


Prevalence of bovine mastitis in Maiduguri Borno State, Nigeria.

J. A. Ameh, T. Edgbe-Nwiyi, L. T. Zaria

Ucestalost govedeg mastitisa u pokrajini Maiduguri Borno u Nigeriji


Isolation of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes.

F. Bozic

Izdvajanje intraepitelnih limfocita iz crijeva sarana (Cyprinus carpio L.)


Ultrastructural and morphometrical studies on the endothelial cells of the pectoral mammary gland capillaries in Wistar rats during the reproductive cycle.

M. A. Awal, M. Matsumoto, H. Nishinakagawa

Ultrastrukturno i morfolosko istrazivanje endotelnih stanica kapilara grudnih mlijecnih zlijezda Wistar stakora tijekom reprodukcijskog ciklusa
