1 Seroconversion and duration of immunity in camels vaccinated with tissue culture inactivated rabies vaccine A. P. Kalanidhi, U. K. Bissa, V. A. Srinivasan Seroloski odgovor i trajanje imunosti u deva cijepljenih protiv bjesnoce inaktiviranom vakcinom pripravljenom od virusa uzgojenog u stanicnoj kulturi full text (htm) - 25Kb 2 Indirect determination of thiouracils in slaughter cattle by measuring the mass of the thyroid gland D. Z. Doganoc, S. Grebenc Posredno utvrdivanje tiouracila u goveda vaganjem stitne zlijezde full text (htm) - 24Kb 3 Haematology of the wild adult African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse). J.O. Oyewale, F. O. Olayemi, O. A. Oke Hematoloski nalazi u odraslog divljeg africkog divovskog stakora (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) full text (htm) - 40Kb Back
2 Indirect determination of thiouracils in slaughter cattle by measuring the mass of the thyroid gland D. Z. Doganoc, S. Grebenc Posredno utvrdivanje tiouracila u goveda vaganjem stitne zlijezde full text (htm) - 24Kb 3 Haematology of the wild adult African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse). J.O. Oyewale, F. O. Olayemi, O. A. Oke Hematoloski nalazi u odraslog divljeg africkog divovskog stakora (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) full text (htm) - 40Kb Back
3 Haematology of the wild adult African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse). J.O. Oyewale, F. O. Olayemi, O. A. Oke Hematoloski nalazi u odraslog divljeg africkog divovskog stakora (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) full text (htm) - 40Kb Back