General Information for Reviewers
The peer review process is vital to the strength of a journal, evaluating the quality, validity, and relevance of published articles. The primary purpose of the reviewers' reports is to provide the editor with the information needed to reach a decision about accepting or rejecting the manuscript for publication, but it should also instruct the authors on how to strengthen their manuscript if revision is a possibility.
Manuscripts submitted for Veterinarski arhiv and retained for review are sent to two or three reviewers, chosen by the members of the Editorial Board. After accepting the invitation to review the manuscript, all received materials must be treated as confidential documents. This means that they may not be shared with anyone else without prior authorization from the editor.
It is important that the manuscripts are critically evaluated for compliance with the following criteria: novelty, importance to the specific field, and strong evidence for the conclusions drawn.
Based on the opinion of the reviewers, the editor decides to: accept the manuscript with or without minor revisions; invite the authors to revise the manuscript before a final decision is reached; or reject the manuscript for lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.
If the Editorial Office, after receiving the revised version from the authors, feels that a second opinion by the reviewer is needed, the revised manuscript may be sent to the same reviewer for re-evaluation. The procedure, through the COMET system for re-evaluation, is the same as for the first evaluation.
Reviewers' recommendations are gratefully received by the editor, however, since editorial decisions are based on evaluations derived from several sources, reviewers should not expect the editor to consider every recommendation.