Reaction of connective tissue to cartilaginous and synthetic implants in rabbits.
R. Pezerovic-Panijan, Lj. Banek, M. Vukoja, D. Jezek, Z. Bumber
Reakcija vezivnog tkiva na hrskavicne i sintetske implantate u kunica
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Blood serum proteinograms in pregnant and non-pregnant cows.
Z. Zvorc, V. Matijatko, B. Beer, J. Foršek, Lj. Bedrica, N. Kucer
Proteinogrami krvnog seruma steonih i nesteonih krava
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Changes in thyroid hormones concentrations in chicken blood plasma during fattening.
Z. Stojevic, S. Milinkovic-Tur, K. Curcija
Kretanje koncentracije hormona štitaste žlijezde u krvnoj plazmi pilića tijekom tova
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