A study on tuberculosis in buffaloes: some epidemiological aspects, along with haematological and serum protein changes
Muhammad Tariq Javed, Mahmood Usman, Muhammad Irfan, Monica Cagiola
Istraživanje tuberkuloze u bivola: neke epidemiološke značajke te promjene u krvi i serumskim bjelančevinama
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Pathomorphological changes in the tissues of chickens, experimentally infected with biting lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
Petyo Nedelchev Prelezov, Nelly Ivanova Groseva, Dimitrina Ivanova Goundasheva
Patološkomorfološke promjene u tkivu pilića pokusno invadiranih paušima (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
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Isolation of aerobic bacteria from the lungs of chickens showing respiratory disorders and confirmation of Pasteurella multocida by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Gokben Ozbey, Adile Muz
Izdvajanje aerobnih bakterija iz pluča pilića s dišnim poremečajima i dokaz bakterije Pasteurella multocida lančanom reakcijom polimerazom
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Effects of stress produced by adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) on ECG and some blood parameters in vitamin C treated and non-treated chickens
Ali Çnar, Ferda Belge, Nurcan Donmez, Abuzer Ta, Muzaffer Selçuk, Mustafa Tatar
Učinci stresa izazvanoga adrenokortikotropinom (ACTH) na EKG i neke pokazatelje u krvi pilića kojima je dan vitamin C
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Reversible chemical immobilization of wild red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) using tiletamine-zolazepam - xylazine hydrochloride mixture
Zdravko Janicki, Dean Konjević, Alen Slavica, Krešimir Severin
Reverzibilna kemijska imobilizacija jelena običnog (Cervus elaphus L.) kombinacijom tiletamin-zolazepama i ksilazin-hidroklorida
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Haematological and biochemical parameters during pregnancy and lactation in sows
Zdravko Žvorc, Vladimir Mrljak, Velimir Sušić, Jelena Pompe Gotal
Hematološki i biokemijski pokazatelji u krmača tijekom suprasnosti i laktacije
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Relapse of infection in single and mixed trypanosome infections in rats after diminazene aceturate treatment
Tobias Nnia Egbe-Nwiyi, Ikechukwu Onyebuchi Igbokwe, Patrick Azubike Onyeyili
Povratak jednovrsne i mješovite invazije tripanosomama u štakora nakon liječenja diminazen-aceturatom
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