3rd International Scientific and Professional Meeting on Reptiles and Exotic Animals

Instructions for authors

Submitted manuscripts can either be professional papers, original scientific papers or review papers. All research must be conducted in accordance with the ethic codex and all ethical requirements have to be fulfilled regarding to the humane treatment of animals described in the research. All pages of the manuscript must be numbered in the lower right corner. The manuscript should be written on 3-5 pages of A4 format. The text should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows using Times New Roman font size of 12 points with single spacing, the images should be in .jpg (minimum 300 dpi) format. Document margins should be set to 2.5 cm. The title of the paper and all subheadings should be written in lower case and bolded. The manuscript should include the following parts:


The title of the manuscript should include the full title without abbreviations, written in font size of 14 points, bolded and centered.


The author list of the manuscript should include full names of authors and full names of the institutions they come from. If the authors belong to several institutions, insert corresponding numbers in superscript after the author’s surname and before the name of the relevant institution.


The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should include the purpose of the research and the most important results. The abstract should not contain abbreviations, pictures, tables, and references.


List up to five keywords describing your work.


The introduction should include a brief introduction to the topic and the latest knowledge in the area being dealt with. The introduction should state the purpose of the work and why the issues involved in the work are current or important.

Material and methods

The material and methods should include a brief description of the material and methods used in the research. Special attention should be paid to the design of the research and to explain the differences between the individual groups. Chemicals and instruments used in research should be described with full names. In describing of statistical data processing used statistic tests, level of significance and software used for statistical data processing should be mentioned.


The results should include a summarized presentation of the results obtained. It is necessary to use units from the SI system. The results should not mention references from other papers. The pictures and tables describing the results should be marked in the text and their placement within the text should be marked. All the pictures and tables with the appropriate title and description are placed at the end of the manuscript. Numerical results should be expressed in mean values with two decimal places and with standard deviation or standard error.


The results of the research should be discussed and explained in the discussion. The results of the research should be linked to the results of previous research by other authors. The discussion should include the conclusion of the research resulting from the results obtained.


References should list maximum 15 most important references used in the manuscript. In the text, refer to the author’s name and year of publication, e.g. (HALL, 2012), (HALL and SMITH, 2012), (HALL et al., 2012).
In the list of references, the names of all authors should be written.
The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the first authors’ name. Publications by a single author should be arranged according to publication dates.
Use the following system for arranging the references (journal, book, web site):
Quantitative PCR tissue expression profiling of the human SGLT2 gene and related family members. Diabetes Ther. 1, 57-92.
GUYTON, A. C., J. E. HALL (2006): Textbook of Medical Physiology. 11th edition. Elsevier
Saunders, Philadelphia (PA), SAD.
WHO (2017): Diabetes. [cited 31.08.2017.] available at:

Instructions For Authors

Paper template